Exploring the New
“What is that feeling when you're driving away from people and they recede on the plain till you see their specks dispersing? - it's the too-huge world vaulting us, and it's good-bye. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.” ~ Jack Kerouac
Dear Kaloud Tribe,
One of the things we value most around here is creativity.
We understand, though, that creativity doesn't randomly show up from some void. It is born out of an intense curiosity and the courage to follow the threads into the dark, trusting that eventually they'll lead us to the stars.
Right now, we want to celebrate those pioneers that stepped into the unknown, and, in doing so, brought us back new treasures. It is their curiosity and courage that have made all of this possible.
From the crazy bastards who first tamed fire to the ones who took a picture of an actual Black Hole, we salute you!
And with that...
In 1980, Carl Sagan, the renowned Cosmologist, author, and all around awesome human introduced the world to Space in a groundbreaking series called "Cosmos"
The series is 13 incredible episodes and we're confident you will LOVE it!!
Also, in case you're looking for some quick inspiration and a super shot of beauty, check out his famous "Pale Blue Dot" speech set to the music of Ludovico Einaudi
She was a trailblazer and now icon who has helped study chimpanzees and, in the process, open doors for women in the sciences
Alan Watts was one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th Century. Aside from his truly excellent books, his lectures are the subject of countless videos and music tracks
His masterpiece, "The Hero With a Thousand Faces", inspired luminaries from Bob Dylan to George Lucas
The link above is a quick primer on the "Hero's Journey". You can see more of Joseph Campbell in this excellent series of interviews with Bill Moyers.
Nina Simone is the musician’s musician. Her songs came to prominence during one of the most pivotal times in history
Turn up your speakers and enjoy!
He started off on the streets of Paris and a "permanent borrowing" of a tourist's camera led to a career that has allowed JR to create monumental works of art in places like the favelas of Rio to the Louvre Museum... His TED Talk is fascinating and inspiring:
He was one of the greatest actors of his generation and remains one of the most cherished artists of all time
The link above is to a famous speech he gives in the 1940 film, The Dictator. The speech is beautiful and a great way to dive deep down the rabbit hole that is his long and storied career.
She won a Nobel Prize in Literature for her incredible approach to writing Short Stories
The link above will give you 25 of her stories that are available to read online for free... not to shabby considering she's a priceless treasure in the fabric of humanity. ;-)
We truly hope that you liked at least some of this.
As we mentioned above, please email us with any suggestions or feedback that you might have.
With Love, Gratitude, and the Warmest Virtual Hugs Ever,
The Kaloud Team