How To Pack Samsaris Vitria 2 For A Hookah Session?

While there are many ways to pack your favorable Kaloud Samsaris Vitria II, we recommend the following method:

  • Choose the right heat management system
  • Fill the base with water
  • Flavor the water
  • Prepare your shisha
  • Fill the bowl with shisha
  • Add your flavors
  • Place the HMD on the bowl
  • Add coals
  • Enjoy your smoke!

Packing your Samsaris Vitria 2 for a hookah session may seem daunting at first, but with a bit of practice, it becomes second nature. In this blog post, we will outline how to pack Samsaris Vitria 2 step-by-step so you can get started right away!

But first, let's go over the basics.

What is Kaloud Samsaris Vitria 2?

The Kaloud Samsaris Vitria II is a hookah bowl that maximizes the flavor of your shisha while minimizing the amount of coal needed. It is made of glass and features individual chambers for each flavor of shisha you want to smoke.

What are the benefits of the Kaloud Samsaris Vitria 2?

The Kaloud Samsaris Vitria 2 is a unique hookah bowl that offers several benefits over traditional bowls.

For starters, it is made of heat-resistant glass, so you can use it with hot coals without cracking or shattering.

Additionally, the bowl provides a more evenly heated smoking experience, which results in better flavor and less waste.

Finally, the Kaloud Samsaris Vitria 2 is easy to clean, making it an ideal choice for hookah enthusiasts.

Whether you're looking for a better smoking experience or just want a more durable and easy-to-use bowl, the Kaloud Samsaris Vitria 2 is worth checking out.

How to pack Kaloud Samsaris Vitria 2?

How to pack Kaloud Samsaris Vitria 2

While there are many ways to pack your favorable Kaloud Samsaris Vitria II, we recommend the following method:

Choose the right heat management system

To get the most out of your Kaloud Samsaris Vitria II, we recommend using an HMD that is specifically designed for it. We like to use the Kaloud Lotus because it fits snugly into the bowl and prevents your shisha from falling out. If you aim to use foil with your Kaloud Samsaris Vitria II, ensure you use extra-thick foil to minimize the risk of burning your shisha.

Fill the base with water

Once you have your heat management system in place, it's time to add water to the base of your hookah. Be sure to fill it up to the line indicated on the base, as too much or too little water can ruin your smoking experience.

Flavor the water

If you want to add a little extra flavor to your hookah session, we recommend flavoring the water on the base with your favorite juice or fruits. This is optional, but it's a great way to enhance the flavor of your shisha.

Prepare your shisha

Next, it's time to prepare your shisha. If you're using pre-packed tobacco, open the container and fluff up the tobacco before adding it to your bowl.

If you're using loose tobacco, there is no need to fluff it beforehand.

Fill the bowl with shisha

Once you have your HMD, it's time to fill the bowl with shisha. Filling the bowl to the top is unnecessary and it might result in less flavorful smoke. We recommend filling the bowl about halfway so that there is room for air to circulate.

Add your flavors

Sometimes, your shisha tobacco will come pre-flavored. If not, now is the time to add any flavors you desire. We recommend using natural flavors like fruits and herbs to enhance the flavor of your shisha.

Place the HMD on the bowl

Now that you have prepared your bowl, it's time to place the HMD on top. Make sure that you align the holes in the HMD with the spire in the center of the bowl.

When you ensure you have lined up everything, gently push down on the HMD until it is snug against the bowl.

Add coals

Now it's time to add your coals. For the best results, we recommend using natural coconut charcoals. If you're using foil, place two or three coals on top of the bowl.

If you're using an HMD, you can place the coals directly on top of the HMD. Then, cover the bowl with its lid and let the shisha heat up for about five minutes.

Enjoy your smoke!

After five minutes have passed, it's time to enjoy your smoke. Slowly inhale the smoke through the hose and enjoy the flavor of your shisha. If you find that the smoke is too harsh, simply remove the coals and let the shisha sit for a minute or two to cool down.

4 Packing techniques to try with your Kaloud Samsaris Vitria 2!

4 techniques pack Kaloud Samsaris Vitria 2

Now that you know how to pack your Kaloud Samsaris Vitria II, here are four packing techniques to try out:

Fluff Pack: 0% Density

When it comes to packing your Kaloud Samsaris Vitria 2, there are a few different techniques you can try. One of these is the fluff pack, which is best used with juicier, blonde leaf tobacco.

To fluff up your hookah tobacco, simply break it up and drop it into the hookah bowl with your fingers or a fork.

From there, you should re-adjust the leaves so they're not too tightly packed and cover the bowl with your HMD.

Typically, these packs smoke for a shorter amount of time but produce more flavor. Fluff packing is said to bring out flavors that might be hidden in your tobacco.

You can use this method with any type and brand of tobacco, but it's especially effective for Starbuzz and Fumari. Give it a try next time you pack your Kaloud Samsaris Vitria 2 and see how you like it!

Normal Pack: 25% Density

The normal pack is best suited for use with juicy or sticky blonde leaf tobacco. This type of pack usually results in a longer smoking session with thicker clouds.

To achieve a normal pack, start by fluffing up your tobacco and then add it to your bowl.

Once the tobacco is in the hookah bowl, use your fork to touch the leaves and pack them in tight. Be sure not to over-pack the tobacco, as this can lead to a harsher smoke.

When you've finished, your bowl should appear to be 25% compacted. By doing this, you will create less resistance when pulling air through your bowl, which will cause an easy and enjoyable smoke.

Semi-Dense Pack: 50%-75% Density

A semi-dense pack is a great way to get the most out of your dark leaf tobacco or specialty blonde leaf tobacco.

To make a semi-dense pack, begin with slightly more tobacco than usual to maintain your packing level.

Then, fluff up the tobacco with your fingers or a fork and add it to your pipe.

After the tobacco is in the bowl, use your thumb to squeeze down the leaves gently and pack them in tight.

You should minimize most of the air gaps in the Kaloud Samsaris Vitria 2, but not eliminate them.

A semi-dense pack will extend your smoking experience by a bit more than a loose pack, but not as much as a tight or dense one. A semi-dense pack will be somewhere in the middle when it comes to flavor experience, with a distinct taste than either of those two choices.

If you are looking for a great all-around option, consider going for a semi-dense pack next time you load up your pipe.

Dense Pack: 75% Density and beyond

Dense packing is a method of packing your shisha tobacco in which you compress the layers until they are non-existent.

To achieve a dense pack, start with slightly more tobacco than you would for a semi-dense pack.

Use your fingers or a fork to fluff up the tobacco and add it to your bowl. Then, use your thumbs to press down on the leaves and pack them in as tight as possible.

You should eliminate all air gaps in the Kaloud Samsaris Vitria II.

A dense pack will produce less flavor than a semi-dense pack but will give you thicker clouds of smoke. This is a great option for those who want to maximize their cloud production.

Try dense-packing your next bowl of shisha tobacco and see for yourself how it enhances your smoking experience!

Last Thoughts

Packing your Kaloud Samsaris Vitria II is a personal preference. Some people like to pack it tight while others prefer a looser pack.

The tobacco you're using will also play a role in how you pack your bowl. Juicier, blonde leaf tobaccos are better suited for a loose pack while darker tobaccos do well with a tight pack.

Experiment with different packing approaches and choose the one that works best for you. And, as always, happy smoking!

So, there you have it—a guide on how to pack your Kaloud Samsaris Vitria II for a hookah session. Be sure to get your own Samsaris Vitria and experiment with different packing methods and find the one that works best for you. And, as always, happy smoking!


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