It's Time to Create
“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life's coming attractions.” ~ Albert Einstein
Dear Kaloud Tribe,
Like us, you may be realizing that the world as we knew it may never come back. While this can seem like a disturbing prospect, the truth is, it can also be a remarkable opportunity.
We seek out inspiration wherever we can find it, and these days, we don't have to look far. We draw so much inspiration and positive energy from the messages so many of you send us on a daily basis, as well as from the simply incredible, and often beautiful ways, people express their creativity and imagination.
We hope that you are all safe and sound wherever you are and that, whatever the world outside your window looks like, you take a moment every day to tap into that infinite well of imagination inside you and create the most wondrous things.
Every act of creation from this moment forward is a brick in the New World we are building now. :-)
With that said...
There are almost endless options for news out there, but this news outlet is all Good News (there's more than you think):
SomeGoodNews with John Krasinski
Please take just 15 minutes to watch one of the two episodes on there... we promise you won't be disappointed!
For the comic book and sci-fi/fantasy fans, we present a truly whimsical take on the quarantine:
The Villain Pub - Palpatine's Quarantine
There's an argument to be made that our state of mind is more important now than ever and so if you want to read, why not read a few things that bring in some happiness
29 Books That Evoke the Happies
For those of you who have never seen it, please take our word and watch
It's one of the greatest masterpieces produced by Japan's famed Studio Ghibli and well worth the price of rental/purchase (available on Google Play, Vudu, Amazon Prime Videos, YouTube and Free on Netflix if you're outside the USA)
Because sometimes you just want to eat without any guilt
No matter your age, this little diddy is going to bring out the kid in you
Speaking of kids... the good people of TED have a great article on
10 Tips for Cultivating Creativity in Your Kids
We truly hope that you liked at least some of this. As we mentioned above, please email us with any suggestions or feedback that you might have.
With Love, Gratitude, and the Warmest Virtual Hugs Ever,
The Kaloud Team