User Manual

How it works

Less guesswork. Less troubleshooting.
More time getting the most out of every puff.

Red hot hookah coals on stovetop for perfect lighting.

Hookah Coals 101: Lighting Like a Pro

How it works

Hookah Coals 101: Lighting Like a Pro

How-To-Use-the-Kaloud-Krysalis-Calix-Hookah Kaloud Inc.

How To Use the Kaloud® Krysalis® Calix Hookah

The complete Calix instructional video. Learn how to pack your Shisha, how to use the Sitra™️ Thermal Diffuser™️, how to puff those clean clouds through your Ayara™️ Activated Carbon Hookah Smoke Filter, and properly manage your heat using the all new Kaloud Lotus® III Hookah Heat Management Device (Hookah HMD).

How it works
Calix Hookah Line Drawing

How To Use the Kaloud® Krysalis® Calix™ Hookah

  • Step 1: Setting Up Your Calix™

  • Step 2: Wait at least 5-10 minutes before opening the vents and then enjoy!

  • Step 3: Disassemble your Calix™

  • Step 4: Clean your Calix™

How-to-Use-the-Kaloud-Sitra-Thermal-Diffuser Kaloud Inc.

How to Use the Kaloud Sitra Thermal Diffuser

How it works

How to Use the Kaloud Sitra Thermal Diffuser

  • Step 1: Place Your Sitra in your Samsaris or other compatible Hookah Bowls

  • Step 2: Pack your Shisha or Hookah Tobacco until the Sitra Blades are no longer visible in your Hookah Bowl

  • Step 3: Place your Lotus or other Hookah Heat Management Device (Hookah HMD) on the Samsaris and wait 5-10 minutes

  • Step 4: Enjoy those sweet sweet clouds.

How-to-Use-the-Kaloud-Aeolis-Hookah-Hose Kaloud Inc.

How to Use the Kaloud Aeolis Hookah Hose

How it works

How to Use the Kaloud Aeolis Hookah Hose

  • Step 1: Plug the Aeolis Hookah Hose into your Kaloud Krysalis

  • Step 2: Enjoy Your Session!

  • Step 3: Clean your Aeolis hookah hoses after every three to five hookah sessions.

How-To-Use-the-Kaloud-Samsaris-Hookah-Bowls Kaloud Inc.

How To Use the Kaloud Samsaris Hookah Bowls

How it works

How To Use the Kaloud Samsaris Hookah Bowls

How To Use the Kaloud Samsaris

  • Step 1: Pack the Kaloud Samsaris Hookah Bowl

  • Step 2: Place the Lotus heat management device on the Samsaris Hookah Bowl

  • Step 3: Adjust the Vents to Regulate Heat as Necessary.

  • Step 4: Cleaning the Samsaris Hookah Bowls

How-to-Use-Kaloud-s-Krysalis-Eltheria-Hookah Kaloud Inc.

How to Use Kaloud’s Krysalis Eltheria Hookah

How it works

How to Use Kaloud’s Krysalis Eltheria Hookah

  • Step 1: Assemble the Krysalis Eltheria Hookah

  • Step 2: Wait 5-10 minutes before enjoying the best shisha clouds on the planet!

  • Step 3: Disassemble the Krysalis Eltheria Hookah

  • Step 4: Clean the Krysalis Eltheria Hookah

  • Step 5: Adjust Your Krysalis Eltheria Hookah When Needed

How-to-Use-Kaloud-s-Krysalis-Monarch-Hookah Kaloud Inc.

How to Use Kaloud’s Krysalis Monarch Hookah

How it works

How to Use Kaloud’s Krysalis Monarch Hookah

  • Step 1: Assemble the Krysalis Monarch Hookah

  • Step 2: Wait 5-10 minutes before enjoying the best shisha clouds on the planet

  • Step 3: Disassemble the Krysalis Monarch Hookah

  • Step 4: Clean the Krysalis Monarch Hookah

  • Step 5: Adjust Your Krysalis Monarch Hookah When Needed

How-To-Use-the-Kaloud-Lotus-I-Hookah-Heat-Management-Device Kaloud Inc.

How To Use the Kaloud Lotus® I+ Hookah Heat Management Device

How it works

How To Use the Kaloud Lotus® I+ Hookah Heat Management Device

  • Step 1: Start by heating your hookah charcoal

  • Step 2: Pack the Samsaris hookah bowl

  • Step 3: Place the Lotus I+ heat management system on the Samsaris hookah bowl

  • Step 4: Managing your hookah’s heat levels

  • Step 5: Cleaning the Lotus I+ Hookah Heat Management System

How-To-Use-the-Kaloud-Lotus-II-Hookah-Heat-Management-Device Kaloud Inc.

How To Use the Kaloud Lotus® II Hookah Heat Management Device

How it works

How To Use the Kaloud Lotus® II Hookah Heat Management Device

  • Step 1: Heat Up Your Hookah Charcoal

  • Step 2: Pack your Samsaris Hookah Bowl

  • Step 3: Place the Kaloud Lotus heat management system on the Samsaris Bowl

  • Step 4: Managing the Heat Levels of your Hookah

  • Step 5: Clean the Lotus II Hookah Heat Management System