Light Leaf vs. Dark Leaf Tobacco: Which is right for you?
It can be confusing to decide whether to use light leaf or dark leaf tobacco with your Kaloud Krysalis or standard hookah. But we’ll help you learn the differences so you can enjoy your next shisha puffs in style.

Light Leaf Tobacco (or Blonde Tobacco) is washed during the production process. It results in reduced nicotine content when compared to unwashed tobaccos. This results in lighter-colored tobacco that will be on the lower end of the buzz factor scale. The lighter flavor means a sweeter hookah smoking experience and greater cloud output. Its approximate 0.6% nicotine content makes it perfect for new smokers.
Blonde Leaf Tobacco is more heat-sensitive. You may want to open the vents of your Kaloud Lotus or remove the top to decrease the heat when smoking this. We recommend squeezing the juice out of your shisha tobacco and then doing a loose or dense pack. This will be dependent on the brand and your personal taste.
Dark Leaf Tobacco (or Burley Tobacco) is made by using unwashed tobacco leaves. It is typically flavored using molasses and natural or artificial flavoring. This results in dark-colored tobacco with a robust, earthy tobacco flavor. It has a high nicotine buzz factor due to a higher occurring nicotine percentage, which tends to be closer to 3%. As such, it’s recommended for experienced smokers.
You may also want to close the vents of your Kaloud Lotus or add charcoal to increase the heat during dark leaf tobacco sessions.
Peace and love,
The Kaloud Team